A Florida-Style Night Before Christmas

Based on a True Story, Christmas 2021

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
Came a startling sound, perhaps not a mouse.
Nails scraped terrazzo and a tail slithered by,
It sounded Jurassic, I’m not quite sure why.

Down in the study arose such a clatter,
Even the dogs rose to see what was the matter.
There on the ground, beneath the Christmas tree
Lay broken ornaments not smashed by me.

The tree had not toppled, it stood quite erect
But the star at the top skewed without much respect.
Among the shards of red glass, I spied a small alligator;
Though an ornament, and not likely the perpetrator.


In my gator distraction, I failed to notice eyes
That flashed from the tree much to my surprise.
Down the hall, a great green animal ran.
We followed, canines growling and me with no plan.

“Whoa, Maya! Stop, Roxi!”
The dogs paid no heed as I shouted my plea.
They whimpered and whined
As in a poinsettia the animal intertwined.

A lime green iguana studied us through leaves of red.
I kept my eyes on its head,
And wasted no time
In grabbing the committer of my Christmas tree crime.

The dogs sniffed at its scales,
Then turned away pale.
So let me now say, wishing no further fright
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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