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Join Kirsten at the Audubon Speaker Series hosted by the Museum of Arts & Sciences in Daytona Beach for a visual and descriptive journey through Florida's wilds based on Kirsten's latest books - Wild Florida: An Animal Odyssey and Birds of Florida....

Join Kirsten at Midtown Reader in Tallahassee on February 5 for a behind-the-scenes photographic overview of Florida's birds as captured in her latest book, Birds of Florida....

Our group stood quietly in the forest trying to ignore the mosquitoes buzzing incessantly as our guides played a softly-repeating whoop-like call over their loud speakers. We all listened as they paused the audio, straining to hear the faint response of a Gray-fronted Quail-Dove. Our...

Satyr Tragopan Our tour bus erupts in commotion on a partially paved road high in the Himalayas. Binoculars swing to the left. Middle rows stand. Back-seaters move forward. Windows shove open and camera lenses burst forth. A flurry of flakes and frigid air seep into the...

Let’s face it, birders can be a serious bunch. There are both written and unspoken rules that garner more than just glares if broken - God forbid you point or wear white boots. I’m pretty sure laughter is generally frowned upon as well. Yet it...