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Join Kirsten at the Audubon Speaker Series hosted by the Museum of Arts & Sciences in Daytona Beach for a visual and descriptive journey through Florida's wilds based on Kirsten's latest books - Wild Florida: An Animal Odyssey and Birds of Florida....

Join Kirsten at Midtown Reader in Tallahassee on February 5 for a behind-the-scenes photographic overview of Florida's birds as captured in her latest book, Birds of Florida....

Join Kirsten at Orange Audubon's Bird Chat for a behind-the-scenes photographic overview of Florida's birds as captured in Kirsten's latest book, Birds of Florida....

Join Kirsten and Tropical Audubon Society at Books & Books, Coral Gables on January 8 for a behind-the-scenes photographic overview of Florida's birds as captured in Kirsten's latest book, Birds of Florida. Free and open to the public, please RSVP....

Blue water lapped across my feet, squishing white sand between my toes as I strolled down Playa Dorada beach on my first evening in the Dominican Republic. Golden rays highlighted lush forest on the shore across the cove. A cool breeze tempered the heat of...

Our group stood quietly in the forest trying to ignore the mosquitoes buzzing incessantly as our guides played a softly-repeating whoop-like call over their loud speakers. We all listened as they paused the audio, straining to hear the faint response of a Gray-fronted Quail-Dove. Our...

I could barely see over the ferry railing at the age of 5 or 6 but I remember feeling the sense of freedom the Statue of Liberty represented as I gazed at her across wide-open water. Once on New York’s streets, I clung to my...

Bromeliad-laden trees arched across the highway as my cab ferried me from Singapore’s international airport. A lusciously shade-dappled park with intermittent benches and exercise equipment ran along one side. Median plantings, neighboring walls, and even some of the buildings themselves were meticulously landscaped with botanical...

“I’ve figured it out,” announced my AirBNB hostess just outside Ocala National Forest.“Figured what out?” I asked.“This wildlife photography thing you do,” she said.She and her partner had become embroiled in my quest to photograph bears for my upcoming Wild Florida coffee table book. They’d...