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Liguus Snail (Liguus Fasciatus) Darkness envelops me as I step from the brightly lit marsh into a tree island, a pocket of hardwood hammock within the Everglades. I wait for my eyes to adjust, then begin scanning trees for arboreal snails. These terrestrial mollusks once glistened...

Satyr Tragopan Our tour bus erupts in commotion on a partially paved road high in the Himalayas. Binoculars swing to the left. Middle rows stand. Back-seaters move forward. Windows shove open and camera lenses burst forth. A flurry of flakes and frigid air seep into the...

Muted greens, shades of tan, gray-tinged water – the contrasting head of a Redhead seems to glow against the neutral tones. I track the duck as it swims along the edge of an island, a backdrop of brittle brown grass. I round the corner and...

Old Faithful I see crowds gathering in front of Old Faithful Inn’s namesake geyser as I pull up to Yellowstone National Park’s famed historic lodge. I contemplate checking-in and catching the next eruption, but then I see it – a bison meandering across the basin. How...

Sooty terns and magnificent frigatebirds filled the air as I stepped off the ferry at Dry Tortugas National Park. I focused on a single tern as it swooped to the ground, landing out of view where I imagined it being greeted by a hungry chick....

Spotting scopes, binoculars, telephoto lenses and cell phones were all trained up into the pines. I traced their gazes into the trees. A cloud of orange quivered in the wind, hundreds if not thousands of delicate wings folded within protective pine needles....

I sat there a moment, weighing the possibilities that this bird intentionally sought my attention. Could it be that this cardinal had noticed the glow from my laptop and understood it meant a person, a potential source of food, was there? Was it truly tapping...

I recently awoke to the sounds of screaming. Despite my quickened pulse, I suspected an animal. This was, after all, my Maryland hurricane season home, a wooded property left to the wildlife most of the year. The screams were piercing as I gently slid the...